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What do mouth guards do?

Mouth guards can help prevent chipped, cracked, or even knocked-out teeth during sports or activities with a high risk of falls or contact, such as football, basketball, hockey, gymnastics, and martial arts.

Why should I get a custom-made mouthguard from you instead of a store-bought one?

Custom mouthguards from AlienGuards are more comfortable and secure due to the precise fit based on an impression of your teeth. This improves comfort for long-term wear and prevents them from slipping or falling out.

Are custom mouthguards more expensive?

Yes, typically custom mouthguards are more expensive than over-the-counter options. However, the increased comfort, protection, and durability can make them a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Will a mouthguard make it hard to breathe or talk?

Modern, custom-made mouthguards are designed to be thin and comfortable, allowing for normal breathing and talking without much difficulty.

Can a mouthguard help with TMJ pain?

Mouth guards can help reduce stress on the jaw joint, potentially alleviating TMJ pain associated with bruxism.

What are the different types of mouth guards?

There are three main types of mouth guards:

  • Over-the-counter (store-bought): These are pre-formed mouth guards, available in various sizes, that can be adjusted somewhat for a better fit by boiling and biting into the material. They offer a basic level of protection but may not be as comfortable or secure as custom-fitted ones.
  • Boil-and-bite: These mouth guards come in a moldable material that is softened in hot water and then bitten into to conform to the shape of your teeth. They offer a more customized fit than pre-formed guards.
  • Custom-fitted: AlienGuards create a custom mouth guard by taking impressions of your teeth. This option provides the most comfortable and secure fit.

How do I care for my mouth guard?

  • Rinse your mouth guard with clean water before and after each use.
  • Brush your mouth guard gently with a toothbrush and toothpaste (not denture cleaner) to remove debris.
  • Store your mouth guard in a ventilated container to prevent bacterial growth.

How often should I replace my mouthguard?

Every years is recommended, or sooner if it becomes damaged or worn.