Mouthguard Myths Debunked

Mouthguard Myths Debunked

Mouthguards are essential for athletes, but there are plenty of misconceptions surrounding them. Let’s clear up some common myths:

Myth 1: Mouthguards Prevent Concussions

Fact: While mouthguards are excellent for protecting teeth and jaws, they do not prevent concussions. Concussions are brain injuries, and mouthguards are designed to protect the mouth and face.

Myth 2: Only Contact Sports Require Mouthguards

Fact: Any sport with a risk of facial impact benefits from a mouthguard. Even non-contact sports like basketball or soccer can involve accidental collisions.

Myth 3: Over-the-Counter Mouthguards Offer Enough Protection

Fact: While better than nothing, over-the-counter mouthguards often provide a poor fit and limited protection. A custom-fitted mouthguard offers superior comfort and protection.

Myth 4: Mouthguards Hinder Performance

Fact: Modern mouthguards are designed to be comfortable and not interfere with breathing or speaking. A well-fitted mouthguard should have no negative impact on performance.

Myth 5: Mouthguards Are Only for Kids

Fact: Athletes of all ages can benefit from mouthguard protection. Dental injuries can happen at any age.

By dispelling these myths, we hope to encourage more athletes to prioritize oral health and safety. Remember, a well-fitted mouthguard is a small investment for significant protection.


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